Sunday, March 17, 2013

Foley Ghost!

Yebo good people!
Last week teh internetz was a bad kitteh and had to go to bed without post. Had nothing to do with me being stressed off my ass over a difficult deadline combined with new wonderful girlfriend. Really!
This week teh internetz been good, so it deserves a treat. This post!

As a movie based mostly in sound, there are, not counting the obvious elements story and acting, mainly two techniques this will stand or fall by: The sound design, and the art of foley!
Most people understands the concept of sound design to some degree. They may not fully understand how it's done (which is the reason I will make a post like this for design later on), but most people knows for example that the sound of the humongous shapeless cloud being a poltergeist can't possibly be based in nature but being somehow fabricated.

Foley, on the other hand, has lots of misconceptions, which sometimes has changed the meaning to some extent.
The origin of the word "Foley" was, like Dave Foley or Axel Foley, a name. Jack Donovan Foley (1891-1967), known simply as Jack Foley, was an extremely dedicated and talented sound effects artist with a twist: he could do an awful lot of  effects in short time with tremendous quality by actually performing them in realtime in sync while watching the movie on the screen. Over time this impressed people, and producers began asking for sound "like Foley did it". As this caught on it simplified to "do foley".
The actual meaning of this is, hence; to make sound effects in realtime in sync with the movie. Normally in a studio, though many of us, me included, prefer to do it on location for acoustical reasons.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

PUN & GAMES - Cheezus

I wonder I wonder...let's say someone really cheesy a person with braces (for example someone who likes bad puns) wanted to point out the gravity of a given situation, would he or she say "Oh my curd!" then?

This one actually got so old it got sentient. I found out when it bit me in the tongue when I tried to eat it. Now it lurks somewhere in the kitchen, snarling at me from the dark.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Let's Feed The Feline

Hiya people!
This post is a little over due, sorry 'bout that. You see, this weekend my friend and actor in this project, Andreas Rylander, came over from the sprawling megalopolis Kalmar, a city so vast it has its own county and even its own climate!
Not only did we cooperate in sending a 28" tubby-TV to kingdom kome [sic] using a very large sledgehammer (holy CRAP did that result in a great shockwave from the implosion!!!), together we met up with a few other people that hopefully will be part of this, discussed it all in civilized manner over a lager or two. Of course resulting in getting absolutely pissed and staggering home happy but dizzy in the early hours!
Though alcohol sometimes can lead to inspiration, it mostly leads to pure bollocks, and as such I simply will never write a post shitfaced.

 Hopefully you, my dear readers, will eventually find the results from this meeting as rewarding as I do as I now have quite a few new locations with an ass-kicking-factor surpassing the level Dr Martens and then some! The scaling of course being between 1 (fluffy kitteh in knitting-magazines) to 10 (14-hole black Dr Martens with steel-toe and a whole bottle of Laphroigh).
Run-down, decaying, rotting, vicious. In other words - amazing.

Kitteh. Unmolested from knitting-magazines though.